brand reviews

Analyse. Audit. Accelerate.

Build on solid foundations. Research and strategy are key to creative success.

perfect place to start

Struggling to find your identity as a business? Feel like your branding, logo or website design could be stronger – but not sure how? Our ‘Brand Review’ provides the answers, and gives you the perfect platform for building a better brand. You’ll receive an independent and honest assessment of your branding by an experienced designer – with actionable insights to help take your brand to the next level.  

1. Ice-breaker: The perfect conversation starter, a Brand Review can motivate your teams and colleagues to engage in design discussions – pushing branding to the top of the agenda.

2. Driving change: Review results will help you leverage budget for any future brand ambitions, marketing campaigns or development projects. It builds your case, and helps you drive change.

3. Fresh perspective: Gain insights from a design expert with more than 20 years’ branding experience. I have worked for clients including Disney Theatrical, Coca-Cola, the Royal Shakespeare Company, English National Opera, Oxford University Press, The National Archives and the University of Oxford.

4. Design lessons: It’s not just your business that will benefit from the Review – you’ll learn as an individual too. Add a deeper appreciation of branding and design to your skill-set.

Branding comparisons

Good Brand
Bad Brand
A creative branding process involving people across business
A business branding policy involving just the management
Consistent and coherent implementation of identity across all channels
Inconsistent and incoherent misuse of identity across all channels
Putting planet and people first to create purpose
Business centric to create a faceless corporation
Continuously evolving to stay ahead in a crowded marketplace
Reactively reinvents to catch up with the crowded marketplace
Listens to and actions customers feedback
Hears but ignores customer feedback
Looks at the bigger picture and the long-term impact
Looks with tunnel vision for the short-term gains
Inspires, builds loyalty and customers become brand advocates
Disappoints, loses loyalty and customers become brand detractors

Book a Brand Review

Health Check

Website homepage review
£ 250 For 2 Hours work
  • Google Lighthouse test insights
  • Main navigation UX improvements
  • Content, copy and CTAs checked
  • All images checked for size/format
  • Footer area elements reviewed
  • Follow-up call to discuss insights

Brand Review

Included in the package
£ 800 For 8 hours work
  • Critique of your current branding
  • Analysis of your website homepage
  • Review presented in 8 page PDF
  • Nearly 30 years branding experience
  • Follow-up call to discuss insights

Premium Review

Included in the package
£ 1200 For 12 hours work
  • Extensive critique of your branding
  • Extensive analysis of your website
  • Assess your social media channels
  • Review presented in 12 page PDF
  • Nearly 30 years branding experience
  • Follow-up call to discuss insights

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