Copywriting licked

Garlic Copywriting blog post

Copywriting. Nothing whatsoever to do with that little C in a circle – everything to do with communicating to your customers. Whether it’s for a tweet or a TV ad, a war cry or a website, you need to choose your words carefully.

Through the grapevine

Garlic Wine blog post

Spending time complementing your celebratory meal with the right wine is like matching your well planned marketing campaign with the right design.

Battle of the brands

Garlic Brands blog post

Branding is playing an ever increasing part in our lives, our politics, our sports, our culture and even our nation but what exactly do we mean by the word ‘brand’?

Saying it with fonts

Garlic Typography blog post

The top ten tips featured here will help you groom your marketing materials so they are dressed up and ready to hit the town!

Print glorious print

Garlic Print blog post

The post Brexit economic uncertainty is impacting on design and marketing budgets. However, I’m confident that more sustainable marketing solutions can be found.